
The Maquista - my brand new product, The Calligraphy Dip Pen Made from 100% Recycled Tea Leaves will be published sale on November 1 st. This product took more than a year from design to production and was made with Macao patented technology “茶原聚合技術 Enzence®”, In the first phase, we have three colors in option: “Matcha”, “Earl Grey”, ”Chinese Herbal”, and we hope to launch limited color versions in time for Christmas or New Year. Stay tuned!

Maquista - 我的全新產品,由 100% 回收茶葉製成的書法沾水筆。 該產品從設計到生產歷時一年多,採用澳門專利技術茶原聚合技術 Enzence®”製成,第一階段將提供抹茶伯爵茶夏枯草三種顏色選擇,希望能在聖誕節或新年及時推出限量顏色版本。