Preserve Penmanship - Engrosser's Script 澳門「字」傳 - 銅版雕刻手寫體-「守」篇

Sale price Price $230.00 Regular price Unit price  per 

First and only Western Calligraphy book in Macau


- 淨重net weight: 425g
- 尺寸size: 19cm x 24cm x 11cm
- 平裝 Soft back book

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This book brings together what Aquino da Silva has learned so far, and provides a starting point for the public to learn Engrosser's Script from the eighteenth century. This book got preface from Master Penman Michael Sull. You can find the basic history of Western calligraphy, introduction to tools, preparation for writing, and deconstruction of the alphabet with strokes for demonstration in thi book. Whether you are a beginner or even an experienced calligraphy lovers or designers, you can benefit from it.

* Book Language: Chinese

* The book will be sent to local and overseas countries after the official book launch at the end of August 2021 .



* 書籍語言:中文
* 本書將在2021年9月中開始向對本地及海外寄出。
* Book language: Chinese
* This book will be sent to local and overseas area from mid-September 2021.