Kalo 推薦序


“ 我欽佩他對書法的執著和出色的寫作風格。 他追求卓越的決心體現在他的知識和教導他人的熱情上。 我相信這本書將成為幫助學習者建立堅實基礎的寶貴資源。

“ I admire his dedication to calligraphy and excellent writing style. His determination to excel is reflected by his knowledge and passion to teach others. I believe this book will be a valuable resource to help learners to build a strong foundation. “
✒️Kalo Chu
The International Association of Master Penman, Engrossers, and Teachers of Handwriting)肯定,獲頒授銅版體書寫證書(Certificate of Proficiency )。
於香港中環設有Kalo Make Art西洋書法教室,工作坊內容風格多樣,更涵蓋兒童到成年人年齡層,舉行大量不同主題分享會及工作坊,在西洋書法推廣上充滿活力、形象健康鮮明!




✒️Kalo Chu
Kalo Chu is a calligrapher based in Hong Kong. She was awarded the Certificate of Proficiency in Engrosser’s Script by the IAMPETH (The International Association of Master Penman, Engrossers, and Teachers of Handwriting) in 2020. Her calligraphy studio ‘Kalo Make Art’ is located in Central, Hong Kong, where she regularly holds calligraphy events. There are a range of events she hosts, such as calligraphy workshops, sharing sessions and pen meets in different themes, and she welcomes all walks of life, from children to adults, that shows an image of being lively and energetic in popularizing the art of Western calligraphy.

I first met Kalo in 2017 when She was on a trip to Macau, we were in a cafe where we exchanged a lot about how was it to learn as well as to teach western calligraphy in Hong Kong and Macau. When we met for the second time, we met in her studio located in Central, Hong Kong, where I felt her passions in teaching and sharing Western calligraphy with all the calligraphy tools and collections that are so well displayed, additionally with the cozy and comfortable teaching space in the studio.

When I just made the prototype of my first calligraphy ruler, I sent her one to give it a try and I received important advice and encouragement from her. She also invited me to her studio for sharing sessions while I was getting into the path of being a professional dip-pen maker. Generosity and enthusiasm are her most memorable traits to me.

I wanted to invite Kalo to write the foreword of this book at the very early stage in the preparation, I picked up encouragement and energy from her as always. Here is an extract from the foreword of the book that I would like to share with you. I want to show my gratefulness and appreciation to her by this chance and I look forward to expressing them in person soon.

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